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October 25, 2017

SB/XA 6.5.1 includes exciting new functionality where you can use a data entry custom control for entering and displaying data in a form instead of using the standard SB/XA[...]


October 19, 2017

The Rocket MultiValue (MV) R&D Lab is all about creating efficiencies to produce better products for our partners and customers. For example, our “tick tock” development strategy[...]


September 21, 2017

Today I want to talk about this little known, new feature of UniData 8.2.1 that is not yet documented.

UniData 8.2.1 (on Linux only) offers a new way to implement sharing of[...]


September 14, 2017

Have you heard the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? It is my immediate rejoinder to those who complain that “MV looks old”. The complainers mean, of course, the numerous[...]


August 31, 2017

There is a story about an old gardener out in his vegetable patch, leaning on his spade and talking to a passer-by. “Oh yes,” says the gardener, “I’ve had this same spade 50 years.”[...]

by Julianna Cammarano

August 16, 2017

Planned obsolescence is the manufacturing industry’s worst kept secret. Consumers purchase electronics with the expectation that they will need to replace them in the future[...]


July 27, 2017

This is the third post in the series, Angular, REST and U2. The first two posts in this series taught us how to use Angular and TypeScript to create a scalable single page application[...]


July 20, 2017

Why do I need SB/XA Services?

In today’s business environment, the constant availability of information is critical. Information needs to be available via multiple devices from[...]


June 21, 2017

In the first of this series, we laid the groundwork by delving into Angular and TypeScript to discover how their component-oriented models can help us create maintainable, scalable[...]